Sunday 26 August 2007

Biodiversity Control Freaks

Those who espouse the cause of biodiversity above all else cannot at the same time be advocates of wildness. So a wildlife trust which plans to tame and control the landscape is a terminological absurdity. It may be laudable to protect species and even certain habitats, but to apply the principle uncritically renders you a control freak. There has to be a strong presumption that wildlife thrives on wildness.

The recently distributed paper from SWT with "Aims and objectives for biodiversity aspects (habitat and species) for Blacka Moor management plan 2007 to 2011" is a depressing read. Hardly a section of the site is allowed to be left to nature. More aptly we should call them a Tamelife Trust.

A genuinely wild garden created by nature with minimal intervention - a key part of the vision that was an outcome of the Icarus Process

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