Wednesday 22 August 2007

Press Releases and How Much Do You Believe?

In The Sheffield Star on 19th June there was an item based on a press release from SWT. In it is this quote:

Following a lengthy process of consultation, plus the commissioning of a grazing impact assessment, the conclusion is that this is the most sustainable way of conserving the heathland and improving conditions for
wildlife, which has been tried and tested throughout the UK.

People who don't read carefully might be left with the impression that it says:

The conclusion of a lengthy process of consultation was ...........etc etc.
This of course is what we are meant to think. But we would be wrong. It carefully and deviously does not say that.

"The conclusion is...." doesn't say whose conclusion. Consider the mindset of those who would go to such lengths to leave such a false impression.

Blacka Blogger's position is clear. He doesn't believe these people one bit, not a single word they say. In fact not even the spaces between the words. To go further, anything he's believed all his life, unquestioningly.....if he heard them saying it, he would cease believing it on the instant.

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