Saturday 14 June 2008

In Good Hands...........?

Just as my conscience is plaguing me about my unnecessary use of the term 'dim witted' to describe Sheffield City Council, SWT and Natural England (in for a penny...why stop there, surely The European Commission and the United Nations should be brought in?) and just as I'm deciding to retract that as childish (despite my own justified sense of grievance) along come SWT to give further cause for astonishment.

At the on site meeting on Thursday complaints were made about plans to use a herbicide in areas where people come to pick wild bilberries. The manager's response was to the effect that the fruit we buy in the supermarket has all had pesticides sprayed on it so why should it be an issue?

Well I suppose there may be some that don't get the point so I'll say it. Blacka Moor is not an intensive farm and people come here to pick wild fruit believing it to be 'better' than what they get at Tesco's in that respect. It's not just that it's free, it's also free from a lot of things that worry many people. Except, of course, for those people who know best.

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