Sunday 29 March 2009

Barrriers and Roads

Once more the Hathersage Road at Piper House is restricted to one way and temporary traffic lights. The same thing happened in October and November and they've now returned to continue the same job - rebuilding the stone wall that borders Blacka. The operation must be costing a fortune as it entails erecting platforms. My view is that the wall will doubtless be an improvement but I would sooner some of the money were spent on improving parking and access for Blacka rather than the place looking nice for motorists going through usually at speed.
Still there's a spin off for visitors to Blacka. The works mean a calming of the traffic on the road meaning it's quieter. A good time to explore the old road which runs parallel and just below the present one.
It's delightful on a sunny spring morning and sets the mind thinking about travel in a previous less hyperactive age.

Further down past the Devil's Elbow track is the route recently invaded by mountain bikes. SWT's hurdles, long awaited, are finally in position.
They look better than the efforts on Blacka Hill though I don't see why the posts stand so far above the horizontals. The notice certainly makes things clear, but these laminated A4 things should only remain for a few weeks and be replaced with a more permanent notice. That's assuming they're not pulled down anyway.

Who needs intrusive sculptures and poems on benches when natural sculpture like this reinforces the spirit of the place?

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