Friday 27 March 2009

Staring in the Face

FoBM (Friends of Blacka Moor) met with SWT on Blacka this week to raise some points about footpaths and access. We were concerned that problems are developing and for the most part little seems to happen. We began by thanking the SWT manager for the newly installed stones on a very wet path near the bog where the raising of the bog level had made navigation a problem. These stones are informally arranged and a simple solution.

It's good to have something positive to say (even though some of the stones may be under water in wet weather).

The Public Right of Way across the bog is another matter. It is now wetter than ever before even after a lengthy dry spell. All is down to the dams installed by SWT several years ago to extend the bog. SWT claims that run off from the road nearby is responsible after recent Highways work. FoBM are sceptical and believe the dams or some of them should now be removed. SWT will meet with the Council's PRoW officer to discuss.

Most depressing is the state of the same footpath across the top of Blacka Hill. Until the cattle were introduced two years ago this was a narrow 18 inch wide path on soft damp peaty earth. Inevitably the cattle in just a short space of time have widened it to become a serious erosion problem. It's impossible to see how this can be improved if SWT insist against all sense in grazing with cattle. As they work to the edges where fresh grass grows heather stems break and allow more grass to come up making it attractive for the cows. People then give up on the centre of the path and walk to the side or even make entirely new routes parallel with the PRoW. SWT asked us for our suggestion. None of those offered would be acceptable to SWT. A cowherd? Give up on the cattle grazing idea ?

The obvious solution was staring us in the face but SWT could not see it: all the time we were walking and talking a herd of deer had been browsing and sunning themselves nearby, a grazing presence 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Six of them were on Blacka Hill again this morning.

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