Thursday 27 August 2009


They are still intent on controlling this landscape and the latest event in the campaign was the spraying of bracken on the south side of Cowsick towards the pasture. There has been some bilberry picking near here but it's not the most popular spot. Still the warnings were needed. My suspicion is that it's being done mainly to create more feeding areas for the cattle who roam about from one grassy place to another.

But I have another reservation; about the time of it being done. I may be wrong in this but all of the weedkilling products I've seen have instructions saying they should be applied when the growth is at its most vigorous. The bracken stopped spreading several weeks ago and a few colder nights have resulted in significant browning of fronds. Shouldn't this have been done weeks ago?
Directions from Bracken Control UK include the following:
Asulox should be sprayed just before full frond extension (3 'pairs' of leaves) and before sensescence.
Do not admit livestock for at least 14 days after spraying (though this is mainly to prevent disturbance to the sprayed bracken)

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