Thursday 22 April 2010

Cold Start

Some recent days have felt pleasantly warm even higher up when you manage to find a spot sheltered from the northern winds. But early mornings are not a time to stand still, one reason I find bird watchers to be a strange species themselves. On the ground the frost looks more striking when seen on fresh greenery than on dead bracken.
Deer must enjoy the sun coming up after nightime grazing. My scepticism about the conservation people's promotion of cattle grazing grows greater by the day. I've requested details of how they plan to evaluate the success or otherwise of the cattle and so far seen no evidence that they have the least idea how to differentiate between what the cows do and what the deer do. So what story will they tell? I'm sure they are working on it but I'm just as sure it will be an effort devoted to producing more paperwork than genuine evidence. Their hope will be that this weight of words will be impressive and anyway how many will read and scrutinise?

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