Wednesday 1 September 2010

Self Expression

Each day brings more examples of the pleasures that wilder land can bring when an area of landscape is allowed to express itself without the exploitation of subsidised farming.
The appeal of trees is such that spaces are created and each space like each tree is different as natural sculptures in a more natural landscape. The morning sun low in the sky penetrates through each these spaces in a unique way. All must be done to nail the lie that allowing trees onto a grouse moor would be a disaster. (The disaster might be that managers roles would come to be questioned.)

Last year cattle were on Blacka and the paths like the one in the picture were defiled by cow pats. Today one could almost enjoyably crawl along the path. What is it about cow crap? I feel sure a dissertation could be written comparing the form and appearance of this alien phenomenon with the excrement of deer and other wilder beasts!

Another of the many reasons for our being grateful for the absence of cows is that many plants have been allowed to express themselves fully. Grasses alongside paths are much more fun reaching full height laden with seeds. Though it must be mentioned that SWT sent out someone at a loose end with the office strimmer last week. This is one path they missed.

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