Friday 25 March 2011


"Of course we always get complaints about tree felling," say the conservationists. "You see the public are pretty ignorant really and don’t understand that woodland has to be managed. They have this quaint idea that nature can look after itself. And they don’t like the look of the place when the work is being done and is just finished. We know that things will slowly settle down and start to look more and more natural. That’s man working alongside nature as he always has. And our landscape has been formed over thousands of years by the interaction of man and nature. So we’re doing what has always happened with our power tools and chain saws and our carefully planned projects and our grants from money provided by polluting industry which can now claim to be environmentally sound. And biodiversity gains so much from operations like this. Taken all in all we’re indispensable.
You wouldn’t want to add further to the jobless figures would you?"

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