Thursday 24 March 2011


It should be repeated as often as necessary: deer move about a lot and they sometimes gather together in larger numbers and at other times are solitary or in small groups. They have favourite places in certain months and prefer to be elsewhere at other times. Failure to understand this leads visitors to get the idea on the basis of an occasional visit that numbers have increased rapidly. This in turn leads to questions about culling. Culling is another kind of ‘management’ and managers like to manage. So any excuse for the woodentop managers to do their worst should be avoided. Don’t give them any excuse at all. If your thesaurus does not give as synonyms the words conservation, shooting....... and chain sawing then it’s time to get a new edition.

There were more stags across the moor this morning than previously this year, mostly coming in overnight from surrounding areas to enjoy the shelter and early morning sun that Blacka offers. And we’re reminded again of the value of trees to wildlife. Relaxing in the cover while we were in the open they knew they could not be surprised.

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