Thursday 9 June 2011

The Grazing Argument

Much could be said about this. Should this land be grazed following a top-down prescriptive plan with clear targets or should we simply allow nature to go its own way enabling surprise and delight? In this post I'll allow the facts to speak for themselves.

The grazing enclosure at the top part of Blacka is grazed year in year out with sheep and more recently has also had cattle for part of the year. Last year both were absent for a lengthy period - not planned by Sheffield Wildlife Trust who want livestock there, but down to problems with the grazier. I have argued for many years that farm animals destroyed the appeal for visitors. The evidence is clear below, showing the land in 2010 after no grazing and in 2011 with grazing, but you can see a full slideshow at this link:

The first pictures showing this year with sheep on the land:

Below are pictures showing the same land after no grazing for several months:

The slideshow is available on clicking the picture below:

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