Sunday 26 June 2011

M of L

In the woods is a fine place to be, surrounded by the silent but companionable presence of trees. Even better when the heat of the day starts to become uncomfortable. Seated on a mossy boulder amid the contrast between deep shade and penetrating shafts of sunlight, this is just the setting to while away time pretentiously contemplating the Meaning of Life. Midges, though, have other ideas and I've not got far in this important project when a retreat is necessary. "Little bu**ers!.. and just when I'm about to hit on an elemental truth".

No great effort to work out that is the elemental truth: Just as a passable level of contentment seems only round the corner an irritant spoils the moment. One neighbour's power mower or another's barking dog. Or Sheffield Wildlife Trust's defecating livestock project. Yes, even they play their part in defining the M of L.

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