Sunday 9 February 2014

Greno Woods and the Philistines

Thanks to the informant who sent me this link to the story of Greno Woods.It's about Sheffield Wildlife Trust's trademark insensitivity, mirroring what they've been doing here on Blacka.

They're destroying trees, they're currying favour with the downhill racing mountain bikers and they're antagonising the decent citizens who love to walk in the woods. A well made film. I feel sorry for those who were hoodwinked by the campaign to raise funds for SWT's buying of these woods. Not everyone recognises fraudulence immediately. It was always going to end badly. They really are beyond the pale.

Another question I hear is: 'Why do SWT suck up to the mountain bikers?' The answer is not hard to find. Their chasing of national subsidies leads them to do things that are unpopular with those people fond of quiet semi natural areas. Some of them are in the video. So SWT has a serious deficit in popular support. The mountain bikers are a growing community of interest so SWT has put a lot of its energy into cultivating their support at the expense of what's right for the essential character of the sites they manage and the traditional users. You may call this cynical but to my mind that doesn't begin to do it justice.


Craig said...

A thread on Sheffield Forum about Greno Woods and SWT appears here.

My posts are under are made under the name of 'frenchfrie' and hope you didn't mind me putting the links to your blog Neil.

Neil said...

Thanks Craig. SWT are something of an evangelising group and they need picking up on all their misinformation. As you'll see, I've commented. Must get round to doing the same on Youtube. I see Ted Talbot has got in there. He doesn't believe in listening to the people.