Sunday 31 August 2014

Time and Colour

End of August. It seems that summer races away from the departure of the cuckoos. Already some of the features of the months to come are showing themselves. This outrageous colour could have been exotic butterflies until we got closer.

Something more restrained among the low shrubs and bracken. Tawny Grisettes always sound a colour contradiction. 

And they are in other ways, being Amanitas which is a notorious fungi group yet this one member is apparently edible. Hmmm.

I've never had the courage to try it and don't recommend anyone else does. Remember the Amanitas contain the Death Caps and Destroying Angels and as families go are best avoided as you would the Mafia. Nor is it wise to sample this pretty group of Roll Rims.

Others include some boletes glistening in bracken and path edges.

Not the only thing to glisten to the approval of enthusiasts for stools rather than toadstools.

Is nowhere free from them?

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