Monday 3 August 2015

Bogey Plant

The unwanted has arrived and is in flower. It will, we are assured, be removed immediately.
It joins the long list of living organisms that are unwelcome here.

I have passed on the information to those on migrant watch at SRWT. Himalayan Balsam is an alien that has migrated from where its name suggests.  It is also known as Indian Balsam and in various parts of the country, 'poor man's orchid' and 'policeman's helmet'. Its seed pods explode flinging seeds far and wide, a bit like broom, giving it the name 'jumping jacks' in some parts. Unlike Japanese knotweed or even bracken itself it is an annual that only spreads through seed germinating on suitable ground. Knotweed, bracken and, for that matter, ground elder, much disliked by gardeners, all spread through root systems, making them a challenge for those that want to eradicate them.

Being an annual it's a bit surprising it's making progress here, where bracken dominates and even its litter covers the ground in winter. It could have benefited from ground disturbance at the time that the barbed wire was installed. Interesting thought.

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